Another successful Sheboygan Independence Day celebration was held this past weekend. The City of Sheboygan has had a long tradition of hosting a Fourth of July celebration, not only for its residents, but for guests from all of Sheboygan County and beyond. We are all privileged to be Americans and as such remember the Continental Congress as they approved and signed the Declaration of Independence. This act and the fight for independence that followed guaranteed us the opportunity for us to achieve our desire for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It is in this spirit of freedom that the Johnsonville Big Bang 4th of July was celebrated. This was the 29th consecutive year that Johnsonville Sausage has worked with the City of Sheboygan to be sure that Sheboygan residents and their guests have had one of the best 4th of July Celebrations on the Lakeshore.
The 4th of July Celebration always culminates over the Sheboygan Harbor in a grand aerial display with the Festival Foods fireworks produced by Spectrum Fireworks. It was quite a show to behold. At the Festival Foods Fireworks, we ohhhed and ahhhed over the visual display in the night sky. This presentation allowed us to celebrate the Fourth of July and reflect on the many blessings that we are grateful for in our daily lives.
It’s worth remembering that all of the celebrations on the Fourth of July are rooted in history. It’s recorded that shortly after the Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia, celebrations took place throughout the land. Many of the former Colonists – they were just starting to call themselves Americans – set off cannons and marched in fife and drum parades. In our effort to duplicate this feeling of new found freedom, the Wisconsin Bank & Trust Independence Day Parade marched down the streets of Sheboygan through our town and on to the lakefront with large crowds viewing this spectacle.
The entrants in the parade were judged and the winners are… first place the North High Drum Line, second place is the Statue of Zipperty and Mount Shoemore, and the third place winner is Sheboygan Dog Training Club. Cash Awards and recognition plaques will be presented to the winners. All participants are thanked for their participation.
This year a new event was added to the Johnsonville Big Bang Celebration. Taking advantage of the Independence Day celebration falling on a Monday, Johnsonville Sausage added a hot air balloon event to open up the Big Bang Celebration on Saturday. This new event featured Wind Dancer Hot Air Balloons. Some past sponsors and events changed this year. The Art Armada, previously sponsored by John Michael Kohler Arts Center who shifted their efforts to the Levitt AMP concert on Thursday evening, was organized by the Sailing Education Association of Sheboygan and renamed the SEAS Water Sports Cardboard Boat and Paddleboard Races that were sponsored by Sprecher’s Restaurant and Pub.
Other events and their sponsors that should be recognized are The Venetian Night lighted boat parade was organized by the Sheboygan Yacht Club. Independence Day started at the Sheboygan YMCA with the Coulis Cardiology Freedom Run. The 14th Annual King of the Beach Co-Ed 4’s Volleyball Tournament was held at North Beach hosted by Team Elevate of Sheboygan. The Sheboygan Theatre Company presented Performance in the Park at Fountain Park.
While it’s good to talk about the challenges we face as a country and a democracy, it’s just as important for us as Americans to have some fun. I offer my thanks to these sponsors, participants and volunteers for making our Sheboygan celebration possible.