Colors were presented by the Sheboygan Police Department Honor Guard and the Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Musical performance was presented by VOX.
An invocation was delivered by Bill TeWinkle from Hope Church.
The City Clerk and City Attorney were sworn in by Municipal Court Judge Natasha Torry.
The newly elected Alderpersons were sworn in by City Clerk Meredith DeBruin.
Alderperson Todd Wolf was elected President of the Common Council.
Alderperson Mary Lynn Donahue was elected Vice President of the Common Council.
Alderperson Jim Bohren was elected to serve on the City Plan Commission.
Alderpersons Ryan Sorenson and Todd Wolf were elected to serve as the Representatives on Capital Improvements Commission.
Alderperson Ryan Sorenson was elected Chairman of the Committee of the Whole.
The Council President’s message was delivered by Alderperson Todd Wolf.
The Committee of the Whole Chairman’s message was delivered by Alderperson Ryan Sorenson.
The Mayor’s message was delivered by Mayor Mike Vandersteen.
Resolution No. 1 was passed requesting that the Mayor reactivate various special committees for the 2019-2020 Council Year.
Mayor Vandersteen presented the appointments for the 2019-2020 Council year which will lie over until the next meeting of the City Council.
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