By Nancy Maring, Neighborhood Development Planner
The following is an update about the recent activities of the various Neighborhood Associations throughout the City of Sheboygan. Click here to learn more about Neighborhood Associations.
Historic Grant: Through the ‘Neighbors Granting a Wish’ program the neighborhood came together to fulfill needs and wants for the children of a family in need this Christmas. Grant Elementary School provided a list from the family, and gifts and donations were collected at the GameBoard. The wrapped Christmas gifts were then dropped off at the family’s home with the help of DPW personnel who volunteered to bring one of their impressive trucks along to make the event even more special. This is the second year the Historic Grant neighborhood has helped a family in need within their neighborhood have a fantastic Christmas.
King Park and Indiana Corridor are working with DPW on their Adopt-a-Park initiatives and discussing what responsibilities and opportunities the program presents them.
King Park, Indiana Corridor, and Vollrath/North Point Associations are working on completing their Neighborhood Plans.
City Development is revising the neighborhood grant program, and updates to the program will be available in early 2019.
Memorial Neighborhood has really banded together to address a particular chronic nuisance in the area, and the neighbors diligent attention to the issue has aided mitigation efforts. While this is a unique situation, the neighbors are utilizing the Association as a conduit for communication and collaboration with the City and Police Department. The Memorial Neighborhood Association has come together to serve a larger purpose and create a positive impact in an absolutely exemplary way.
Near North has welcomed two new board members and is working on creative ways to draw more attendance and interest in their neighborhood board.
Maple Heights, which has been on hiatus, is working with the North Side Beat Cop and City Planning to develop a plan to reintroduce a regular meeting schedule to the neighborhood, and is working on brainstorming creative neighborhood engagement strategies. Regular meetings for Maple Heights will resume in early 2019.
The End Park Neighborhood group is working toward being recognized by the Common Council as an official Neighborhood Association. End Park boundaries are Geele Avenue north to North Avenue between North 8th and North 13th Streets. The group meets in the Washington School Apartments’ community room, 1238 Geele Avenue, on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm. People residing in the End Park Neighborhood are invited to attend the meetings and help the group define who they are and what they hope to be. Meetings are organized and mentored by Penny Weber of Sheboygan Neighborhood Pride, click here for more info.