By Penny Weber, Board President of Sheboygan Neighborhood Pride
The following is an update about the recent activities of the various Neighborhood Associations throughout the City of Sheboygan. Visit to learn more about Sheboygan Neighborhood Pride.
End Park Neighborhood will be having their first election of neighborhood association board members on June 20, 2019 at End Park shelter area at 6:30 pm. This will be the 10th neighborhood to apply for neighborhood association status with the city.
Erie Hill Neighborhood met for the first time in 4 ½ years on May 2, 2019 at the church on the southeast corner of St. Clair Avenue and North 15th Street. It was decided at that meeting to meet again on the first Thursday of June at the church at 6:30 pm.
Kuehne Park used their May 13, 2019 meeting to go door-to-door in the neighborhood and make personal contact with residents telling them about their meetings and asking them to attend a future meeting. Contact information was shared along with information about Nextdoor encouraging them to join. Future meetings will be used to continue the personal contacts in the neighborhood to hopefully grow the group.
There will be a South Calumet Neighborhood meeting on June 3, 2019 at the Evangelical Free Church on North 15th Street and Saemann Avenue at 6:30 pm. It has been several years since a meeting was held in this neighborhood.
The Swift Neighborhood has decided, because of its small attendance numbers, to cease meeting as a separate group and have the few interested neighborhood folks begin to attend the Franklin Park meetings until such time as the group feels they have enough interest to resume their own separate meetings.