By Derek Muench, Director of Transit for the City of Sheboygan
For some living in Sheboygan and the surrounding area, Shoreline Metro might not be a household name. For others, Shoreline Metro is their affordable and reliable ride to work, to school, or to appointments. But for everyone in Sheboygan, Shoreline Metro is critical for independence, commerce, business, and livelihoods for several generations. Let’s take a brief ride with Shoreline Metro and explore the service in more detail.
As we begin our trip, in 2010 we see ridership sitting at just over 470,000 trips, a cumbersome website, a complicated transfer process, and an outreach and branding shortage. In 2012 ridership started growing; Shoreline Metro added a customer service office, culture started to change, and Sheboygan Transit was now known as Shoreline Metro. By 2014, ridership had hit 538,000 trips. Fast forward to today Shoreline Metro is more vibrant and dependable as ever with consolidated routes, an easy-to-use website with trip planning, a staff dedicated to customer service, a Facebook page, a trolley route, and drivers that are safer and more experienced than ever!
Since 2010, Shoreline Metro’s ridership has grown 20.2 percent and passengers per hour increased 23.1 percent. The industry standard during this same time was unmatched to Shoreline Metro’s performance. In other words, transit service in Sheboygan outperformed the industry average.
Now let’s go behind the numbers. Let’s look at the value. Shoreline Metro is available when you need us. Whether you’re without a car for a day or for your entire life, Shoreline Metro is there. Consider organizations like RCS who rely on accessible transportation for its clients and participants. Transportation provides these individuals with opportunities for success and independence, something we often take for granted in our everyday lives. Consider the Sheboygan Public School District who relies on transportation for students attending classes. Transportation again provides these individuals with opportunities for success and a brighter future. Without reliable accessible transportation, these futures don’t look so bright.
Let’s consider your needs for a second. Is it fair to say you don’t “need” or “want” the same things today you did five or ten years ago? Is it also fair to say you will “need” or “want” different things five or ten years into the future? Transportation is one of those things that cripples independence and disables mobility once it’s gone and unfortunately, it’s also one of those things we don’t consider until it’s gone! Fortunately, instilled in our value and mission to our customers is Shoreline Metro’s dedication to affordable, reliable, and convenient transportation, whether you need us now or tomorrow! When Shoreline Metro is right for you, we’ll be ready! The value in public transportation is about providing a service not because we want to, but because we have to in order to sustain independence in the community, mobility, a vibrant workforce, and economic growth and development.
Shoreline Metro is not the only mode of transportation but we add options to those that are disabled, elderly, can’t drive, don’t drive, or choose the car-less lifestyle. Shoreline Metro is not the only means to independence, but we encourage a moveable and mobile community filled with options to the otherwise option-less. Shoreline Metro is not for everyone today, but one day we will have provided service to you, someone you know, or to someplace you work. We are the foundation of interconnectivity between where you live and where you’re going.
The next time you see a Shoreline Metro bus remember: it’s more than a bus, it’s the solution to your transportation needs.