Sheboygan’s new City Administrator, Todd Wolf, has declared Sheboygan “Open for Business” and has vowed to identify ways the City can aid businesses. Over the course of the past few weeks, Wolf has been diligently uncovering and examining opportunities to support Sheboygan’s business community, and to help facilitate growth across sectors. This renewed attention on strengthening Sheboygan’s economy comes during a time of communal hardship like nothing current generations have experienced, and will require an innovative and flexible approach. Small businesses need support to survive and thrive to continue to bolster Sheboygan’s outstanding quality of life, and larger manufacturing – which has been the area’s backbone for decades – needs creative partnerships to accommodate new challenges and continued growth. Facilitating development in Sheboygan’s newly completed business park, SouthPointe Enterprise Campus, is a leading priority for Wolf, as is continuing to streamline processes and aid for businesses that have been negatively impacted by the current pandemic. Renewed commitment and understanding coming from the City will positively impact Sheboygan’s economy, and will ensure businesses can be proud to call Sheboygan home.
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Water Tower at SouthPointe Enterprise Campus

South Pier Area near the shores of Lake Michigan