Mayor Ryan Sorenson and the Director of Public Works, David Biebel, have declared a Snow Emergency for Friday, March 10, 2023, starting at 10:00 AM. The Snow Emergency will remain in effect until 6:00 AM on Saturday, March 11, 2023.
Starting at 10:00 AM parking of vehicles on designated snow emergency routes, boulevards, cul-de-sacs, and dead-end streets is completely prohibited during the period of a snow emergency. Vehicles can only return to the aforementioned streets after the City of Sheboygan announces the end to snow emergency operations.
We HIGHLY ENCOURAGE vehicles parking on Non-Emergency Routes to park on the EVEN side of the street so that the plow crews are able to clear the ODD side parking lanes for this evening.
Vehicles illegally parked will be ticketed and towed.
During the snow emergency, vehicles parking on non-snow emergency routes between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00 am shall follow Winter Parking Rules. Remember, PARK FOR TOMORROW
All streets with “No Parking” restrictions related to parking on one side of the street shall follow odd/even parking rules during a snow emergency.
Snow Emergency routes and Winter Parking rules can be found at:
Friday’s curbside collection is on schedule. For citizens that were unable to get their cart to the curb today due to the snow emergency, the Department will be repeating Friday’s collection route on Saturday March 11, 2023
This announcement can also be viewed at:
Additional information will be communicated through the following media outlets:,,,,, WHBL 1330 AM, WBFM 93.7, WHBZ 106.5, WXER 96.1, WITI Fox6, WISN 12, WTMJ 4, AM 920 THE WOLF, FM 106.1, NEWSTALK 1130 WISN, V100.7 JAM, OLIDES 95.7, and 97.3 Radio