The purpose of the Sustainable Sheboygan Task Force shall be to study and make recommendations to the Mayor, Common Council, and city staff regarding strategies to be adopted by the City for creating and maintaining a sustainable Sheboygan, focusing on such topics as conservation, sustainability, clean water, climate change, and raising community awareness on environmental stewardship, that will result in cost savings and reduced consumption of resources throughout the City of Sheboygan.
The Sustainable Sheboygan Task Force is excited by the opportunities ahead.
If you’re passionate about sustainability, and want to help in a way that utilizes your talents, or if you have any suggestions or comments, let us know.
The Sustainability Task Force usually meets the second Wednesday of each month, at 4:30, in City Hall.
For more info contact
To find notice and agendas for past and future meetings:
►Click HERE
Sustainable Sheboygan Task Force Vision Statement:
►Click HERE